Tuesday 17 February 2009

My Animation Goals

My goal by the end of the year is to have accumulated skills in as many forms of animation and illustration as possible. When I graduate I want to be able to cast as wide a net as possible in the industry. That includes freelance and studio jobs and any other artistic jobs that might come my way. I have no specific job in mind, I just want to be prepared to work in as many places as I can. I realize this sounds a bit vague, so I would appreciate any advice from teacher/industry types.


Frank said...
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Frank said...

Hi Ben. You will have to be a master of time management to achieve your wide reaching goals to a standard of employability.

There is a real possibility of not achieving a high enough standard in anything. It has to be stated.

So I think we have to do some triage (the process of sorting victims, as of a battle or disaster, to determine medical priority in order to increase the number of survivors) in these early planning steps.

We will work out a production schedule for your narrative and major project. Then you have to make the time and achieve the short term goals of sticking to your schedule.

The detail will become important, so write your broad ideas down about being a generalist. Then form it into a list of preferences and skills. Skills that you feel you already have and skills that you plan to gain.

Do that to start and we should meet and discuss.

Ben said...

Hi Frank. Thanks for the advice. I look forward to discussing it with you further.